Coin collectors

There are 1697 collectors from 80 countries and 5 evaluations in the World Collectors Database.

Collection focus
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Results 861 - 880 of 2346
Name Country Collection focus Requires Doubles
Name Country Collection focus Requires Doubles
Seamus Kinsella Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Val Klava Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Jan Konarski Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Martin Lahiff Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
John Lamont Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Bertrand Le duigou Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Lubu Leather Ireland Euro coins
Peter Lynch Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Diarmuid Maguire Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Louise Maguire Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Michael Mahood Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Eugene Martyn Ireland Euro coins I require coins from most countries.
Slawomir Mazurek Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Philip Mc Auley Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Richard Mc Sherry Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Niall Mccarthy Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Sean McComish Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Sean Mcgregor Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Noel Mcnamara Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Jonas Mereckas Ireland Accumulation Accumulation
Results 861 - 880 of 2346

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