Australia 1 dollar 1988 - First Fleet Bicentenary

Obverse of Australia 1 dollar 1988 - First Fleet Bicentenary
Krause - Mishler KM# 100
Details 1988 brought many celebrations and issues marking 200 years since the First Fleet landed in Port Jackson, Sydney. These ships brought the first immigrants to start the new colony of New South Wales. The First Fleet consisted of 11 ships bringing approximately 1487 people from Great Britain to establish Australia's first European colony. On the 26th January 1788 Fleet leader Captain Arthur Phillip planted the British flag on Australian shore and claimed the land for the British Empire. This day continues to be celebrated as a national holiday Australia Day.
Specifications Diameter - 25mm Thickness - N/A Weight - 9gr
Composition aluminium bronze
Mintage 20,400,000 pieces

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