Currencies and countries

The World Currencies Database includes 788 currency symbols, names and countries with historical or other coinage information and has received over 417098 search inquires.

Selected title: K
Explanation: Burmese kyat, Myanmar kyat, Papua New Guinea kina, Zambian kwacha
Explanation: Kopeck

A currency is a unit of exchange and hence a kind of money and medium of exchange. Currency includes paper banknotes and metal coins, which today are the dominant means of exchange. If you could not find the title you were looking for, or if you know a title which is not included in the Dictionary, please help us improve this service by reporting your findings.

Most popular currency searches

Currency or countrySearchesPercentage
NUr$ 15532  10.20%
NUr$ 15532  10.20%
GS 12951  8.51%
SKr 11371  7.47%
Ptas 10743  7.06%
RO 9693  6.37%
Euro 5960  3.91%
FKr 5875  3.86%
Mexico 5818  3.82%
CFA Franc 5812  3.82%
Czechoslovakia 5543  3.64%
Fmk 5491  3.61%
Continental dollars 5416  3.56%
Saudi Arabia 5382  3.53%
Greece 5371  3.53%
fen 5232  3.44%
Japan 5231  3.44%
Brazil 5136  3.37%
Spain 5118  3.36%
Hungary 5025  3.30%