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RSS is an XML format used primarily by news sites and weblog publishers for syndicating their content. RSS feeds are meant to be picked up by other sites or applications called RSS aggregators so that content can be republished elsewhere.

What is an RSS aggregator?

RSS aggregators are services or applications which aggregate, or collect, RSS feeds, then typically republish them. Some aggregators are web-based, which means you can read aggregated news in your web browser, and some are applications which run on your desktop.

When are the feeds updated?

We update our Product RSS Feeds as soon as new numismatic items are posted to our website. The feeds are never updated before the website since each item in the feeds contains a link back to for more information.

What are the titles of use?

We encourage the use of our RSS/JS feeds to augment content on your own site or blog, provided that you do not publish the full text of our articles. You must also provide proper attribution (included in each RSS/JS feed) by listing "" or "" in text as the source for each article, or by allowing the links to the full articles to display.