Coin collectors

There are 1697 collectors from 80 countries and 5 evaluations in the World Collectors Database.

Collection focus
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Results 1961 - 1980 of 2346
Name Country Collection focus Requires Doubles
Name Country Collection focus Requires Doubles
David allan Powell United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
David Allan Powell United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Tom Preston United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Keith rAtcliffe United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Susan rAyner United Kingdom Accumulation
Francesco Restuccia United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Antony Roch United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Felipe Rogatto United Kingdom Accumulation Every single coin
Glenn Rogers United Kingdom Euro coins Monaco
Paul rOgers United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Penny Rolfe United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
David Rowe United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Shaun Rushton United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Terence Savage United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Mark Scampion United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Matthew Scott United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Miles Searle United Kingdom Coins and banknotes
Barbel Seiberl United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Anthony Sheppard United Kingdom Accumulation Accumulation
Paulo Silva United Kingdom Euro coins Euro coin
Results 1961 - 1980 of 2346

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