Spain 2 euros 2001 - King Juan Carlos I de Borbon y Borbon

Obverse of Spain 2 euros 2001 - King Juan Carlos I de Borbon y Borbon
Krause - Mishler KM# 1047
Details Juan Carlos I was born on January 5, 1938 and is the reigning King of Spain. His name, when rarely anglicised, is rendered as John Charles Alphonse Victor Maria of Bourbon (and Bourbon-Two Sicilies)
Specifications Diameter - 25.75mm Thickness - 2.2mm Weight - 8.5gr
Composition BiAlloy (Nk/Ng), ring Cupronickel (75% copper - 25% nickel clad on nickel core), center Nickel brass (75% copper - 20% zinc - 5% nickel)
Edge Combination of the number 2 and ** repeated six times
Mintage 60,450,970 pieces

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