The latest and greatest (2013)

In 2012 it was decided that will move from classic ASP to ASP.NET (C#). Work started in January 2012, but it was not until 16 February 2013 that the new site rolled-out. The design of the site is almost identical, but the Coin Shop was completely rewritten offering the best online services worldwide. A wish-list, a price history for all items, the ability to save your searches in RSS, the improved image galleries and many other features are now available and will make life easier for our customers, but also for regular users.

Using Responsive Web Design principles, we were able to create a layout that works great in a multitude of browsers, from Internet Explorer 6, to the latest versions of Chrome and handheld devices. We have checked the entire site in the following browsers and found that it works great!

Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox

This browser is our preferred developing platform, largely due to the Firebug add-on. We checked the entire site on version 18.0.2 and found that all design elements, plus functionality, are 100% supported.

Google Chrome
Google Chrome

The second browser of choice has also been tested extensively. Chrome supports the latest web standards and supports 100% of's design and features. We used the developer's version 26..0.1403.0 dev-m to check the site.

Internet Explorer 9

Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 7
Internet Explorer 8 & 9

Internet Explorer in all versions and all incarnations is unfortunately the worst browser available. However, the latest version is pretty standards compatible and gave us no significant problems, supporting the new design 100%.

Firefox Mobile Chrome Mobile Opera Mobile
Mobile browsers

Amazingly enough, 14.42% of our users use their mobile devices to surf the site. Although the site was already mobile friendly, moving to a new programming platform triggered a major redesign of the mobile version too.

It is now easier and faster to browse the site with your mobile phone or other handheld devices, as we went to great lengths in order to reduce the size of the webpages and images displayed, but also modify the layout in order to visually help mobile users search for the content they are interested in. We checked the new layout on Mobile Firefox, Mobile Opera, Android Browser (ICS) and Mobile Chrome.

We also used a Blackberry device to check the site and LG GT505 to make sure it displays correctly across propriatery platforms too. Although we did not test on iPhone, it should display correctly since it is 100% supported by iPad.

Design circa 2010

Since 2003, numerous smaller and bigger improvements were incorporated in the design. The content got better and new services were introduces, such as the Coin Vault. Although the layout was still Ok, especially compared to other sites about coin collecting, it was again time for a complete overhaul. It all started when we decided to rewrite the Coin Vault and build the Swap Area. When development was finished working, I realized that these web applications were too modern for the current layout and after a few days (only) I rolled out the new design. My main focus was the correct use of whitespace, because the site felt too cramped.

3-columns layout Collectors database Old menu Shop layout
The Homepage of before the redesign contained 3 columns The World Collectors Database was harder to use; no AJAX and less information about each collector The old menu unfolded on the ledt column, but I felt this was taking too much space The coin shop did not change at all, but the cleaner layout now makes it slicker

The old site felt like it didn't have enough space; the page elements starved for more space and my webpages had too many icons which were confusing my visitors. The focus of the new design is whitespace. I wanted to make things more relaxed and completely abandoned the left column, moving the menu of the site at the bottom of the page. Thus, the 3-column layout was abandoned in favor of a better looking 2-column layout.


As time passed and traffic soared, I started receiving request to sell coins. I never had the intention of selling coins online (or offline for that matter), so I turned down all my potential 'customers'. However the requests kept coming and I decided to give it a try. I built a basic online Coin Shop and decided to purchase a domain to make things more official. I also decided to redesigning the site from scratch, a tedious and time consuming task which lasted several weeks. My first and formost concern, was to present a very different layout which wouldn't be based so much on javascript. As a matter of fact, eliminating javascript completely was high on my priority list, which unfortunately I was not able to accomplish entirely.

Previous Design "New" Design
Picture of the old design Picture of the current design
Although I did like the old design, I wanted to get rid of the dynamic javascript menus. This was probably the most important reason behind the redesign The new design is based heavily on Cascading Style Sheets and Active Server Pages, but includes much less javascript which does not intefer with its functionality even if it is turned of


The first version of the site was spawned from my very first homepage, created in 1997. Since collecting coins was - and still is- one of my favourite hobbies, I decided to include a page about the coins in my collection and the coins I was offering for exchange. Slowly but steadily, I kept adding more pages with information about the currencies circulating world-wide and it soon grew out of proportion. It was time to start organizing things and I quickly put together a new section about coin collecting. Soon, it became apparent that I would have to build a new web-site dedicated to my hobby and I did just that...

The new website was absolutely great and helped me a lot in making new friends and exchanging coins with people around the world. Unfortunately, in March 1999 I had to let it go for 23 months while I was serving in the Hellenic Armed Forces as a Cadet at first and a 2nd Lieutenant later. When I came back I started programming again and developed the World Collectors Database, where people could add, edit and remove their names without emailing me (as it was the usual solution at that time internet-wide). The database was a relative success, so I started adding new features.

Old Design "New" Design
Picture of the old design Picture of the new design
The old design looked nice (at the time), so the colors and overall visual impression remained unchanged. I only needed to find some room for banners and more complicated menus The "new" design was based on Javascript and Active Server Pages, providing better management, improved functionality and more possibilities for future updates

When I first started redesigning the site, I tried hard to come up with a relatively classic layout, as I knew I wouldn't be able to update it very often. I believe the final result was absolutely great, and it looked quite modern and fresh even after 3 years. The name I had chosen was -the rather generic- "Coin Site", but when I found out that it already taken I switched to "Coin Fever", which included the following sections:

  • Personal Information: Included some information I was willing to share on-line.
  • Readers Unite: I always believed in users' participation and the site desperately called for the help of its visitors. Unfortunately, few people ever responded...
  • Coin Information: A few words about the coinage, mints and currencies of several countries, plus related terminology. Moreover, a coin gallery with a variety of coin pictures coupled with a brief description.
  • Coin Articles: Some general articles about coins and coin collecting
  • Trade Coins: The most important section of the site, as it generated most of the traffic. The title is pretty self-explanatory, and the World Collectors Database can be found in the new site too
  • Links & FAQs: Some links to other sites with valuable content
  • Little-known Facts: Useless, funny, strange, call them what you will

It all started back in June 1997, when I first decided to build my own homepage. Surprisingly enough, the original site was still around for years after I abandoned it and you can still visit it on Web archive. Take a look at it and see how dramatically my web design skills have improved!

Logo and motto

Finding a name for my site was harder than most people would assume. At first I tried a rather generic title, such as "Coin Site", but pretty soon I wanted to change it and for a while I used "Coin World" instead. Unfortunately, I soon found out the name was already taken by a rather famous publication so I had no other option than to let it go. While I was searching for a better title, I decided to go for something original that -at the same time- would represent the excitement coin collectors feel when dealing with their collections. I came up with "Coin Fever", coupled with the motto "Discover your coins" which I still use today. I soon got tired of this name too however, so I switched to "Coin Collecting". Not very original, but it improved my page ranking in Google so I kept it for quite some time.

Coin World Coin Collecting Fleur-de-coin
Coin World Coin Collecting Fleur-de-Coin

After a while, I decided to register a domain and soon realized I would have to find yet another title for my site. Every single cobination of the words "coin", "collect", "site" etc were already taken, apart from "Coins4you" which was suggested by my girfriend and was my second best choice. After a couple of days, it hit me ... "Fleur de coin". It is a coin term with a poetic touch into it and since it denotes to a flawless coin it was an obvious choice for my flawless website(!!). Unfortunately it was taken too, but "Fleur-de-coin" was not and I quickly registered it for 3 years on August 22, 2003. I also kept the motto "Discover your coins..." and started searching for a new logo.